(66) Gonzalez, S.T., Bell. T.W., Aydlett, M., Bailey, D., Jones, A., Lindell, S. (accepted), Predicting heat tolerance in sugar kelp juvenile sporophytes via gametophyte heat stress testing, Journal of Applied Phycology.
(65) Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Villasenõr-Derbez, J.C., Schoeman, D.S., Mora-Soto, A., Bell, T.W., Butler, C.L., Costa, M., Dunga, L.V., Houskeeper, H.F., Lagger, C., Pantano, C., Laínez del Pozo, D., Sink, K.J., Micheli, F., Cavanaugh, K.C. (accepted), Global floating kelp forests have limited representation in marine protected areas despite rising threats from marine heatwaves, Nature Communications.
(64) Giraldo-Ospina, A., Bell, T.W., Carr, M., Caselle, J. (in press), Drivers of spatio-temporal variability in a marine foundation species, Ecological Applications.
(63) Chadwick, K.D., Davis, F., Miner, K.R., Reynolds, M., Townsend, P.A., et al. (in press), Unlocking ecological insights from subseasonal visible-to-shortware infrared imaging spectroscopy: The SHIFT Campaign, Ecosphere.
(62) Giraldo-Ospina, A., Bell, T.W., Carr, M., Caselle, J. (2025), A site selection framework for effective kelp restoration, Biological Conservation, 302, 110980. [PDF]
(61) Cavanaugh, K.C., Bell, T.W., Aerni, K.E., Byrnes, J.E.K., McCammon, S., Smith, M.M. (2025), New technologies for monitoring coastal ecosystem dynamics, Annual Review of Marine Science, 17, 409-433. [PDF]
(60) Kumagai, J.A., Goodman, M.C., Villasenor-Derbez, J., Schoeman, D.S., Cavanaugh, K.C., Bell, T.W., Micheli, F., De Leo, G.A., Arafeh-Dalmau, N. (2024), Marine protected areas promote resilience of kelp forests to marine heatwaves by preserving trophic cascades, Global Change Biology, 30, e17620. [PDF]
(59) Hamilton, S.N.M., Tinker, M.T., Jackson, J., Tomoleoni, J.A., Kenner, M.C., Yee, J.L., Bell, T.W., Castorani, M.C.N., Becker, B.H., Hughes, B.B. (2024), Modeling coupled dynamics of an empirical predator-prey system to predict top predator recovery, Biological Conservation, 294, 110623. [PDF]
(58) Lindhart, M., Daly, M.A., Walker, H., Arzeno-Soltero, I.B., Yin, J.Z., Bell, T.W., Monismith, S.G., Pawlak, G., Leichter, J.J. (2024), Short wave attenuation by a kelp forest canopy, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 9, 4, 478-486. [PDF]
(57) Liang, M., Lamy, T., Reuman, D.C., Wang, S., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Castorani, M.C.N. (2024), A marine heatwave changes the stabilizing effects of biodiversity in kelp forests, Ecology, 105, 5, e4288. [PDF]
(56) Wanner, M.S., Walter, J.A., Reuman, D.C., Bell, T.W., Castorani, M.C.N. (2024), Dispersal synchronizes giant kelp forests, Ecology, 105, 4, e4270. [PDF]
(55) Walter, J.A., Emery, K.A., Dugan, J.E., Hubbard, D.M., Bell, T.W., Sheppard, L.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Reuman, D.C., Castorani, M.C.N. (2024), Spatial synchrony cascades across ecosystem boundaries and up food webs via resource subsidies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, 2, e2310052120. [PDF]
(54) Lockwood, R., Bachmann, C.M., Chrisp, M., Smeaton, C., Pahlaven, N., Hochberg, E., Montes, M.J., Gao, B., Frouin, R., Vodacek, A., Fichot, C., Bell, T.W., Armstrong, R.A., Li, C., Kennedy, L., Gillmer, S., Fuhrman, L., Brouhard, D., Wang, J., Thome, K. (2023), Aquatic ecosystems science using an imaging spectrometer, Imaging Spectrometry XXVI: Applications, Sensors, and Processing, 126880C.
(53) Reuman, D.C., Castorani, M.C.N., Cavanaugh, K.C., Sheppard, L.W., Walter, J.A., Bell, T.W. (2023), How environmental drivers of spatial synchrony interact, Ecography, e06795. [PDF]
(52) Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Olguín-Jacobson, C., Bell, T.W., Micheli, F., Cavanaugh, K.C. (2023), Shortfalls in the protection of persistent floating kelp forests in the USA, Biological Conservation, 283, 110133. [PDF]
(51) Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Saccomanno, V.R., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Houskeeper, H.F., Eddy, N., Schuetzenmeister, F., Rindlaub, N., Gleason, M. (2023), Kelpwatch: A new visualization and analysis tool to explore kelp canopy dynamics reveals variable response to and recovery from marine heatwaves, PLOS ONE, 18, e0271477. [PDF]
(50) Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Pawlak, C.C., Bell, T.W., Saccomanno, V.R. (2023), CubeSats show persistence of bull kelp refugia amidst a regional collapse in California, Remote Sensing of Environment, 209, 113521. [PDF]
(49) Saccomanno, V.R., Bell, T.W., Pawlak, C., Stanley, C.K., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Hohman, R., Klausmeyer, K.R., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Nickels, A., Hewerdine, W., Garza, C., Fleener, G., Gleason, M. (2023), Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to map and monitor changes in emergent kelp canopy after an ecological regime shift, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9, 62-75. [PDF]
(48) Monismith, S.G., Alnajjar, M.W., Woodson, C.B., Boch, C.A., Hernandez, A., Vazquez-Vera, L., Bell, T.W., Micheli, F. (2022), Influence of kelp forest biomass on nearshore currents, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 127, e2021JC018333. [PDF]
(47) Monismith, S.G., Alnajjar, M.W., Daly, M., Valle-Levinson, A., Juarez, B., Fagundes, M., Bell, T.W., Woodson, C.B. (2022), Kelp forest drag coefficients derived from tidal flow data, Estuaries and Coasts. [PDF]
(46) Castorani, M.C.N., Bell, T.W., Walter, J.A., Reuman, D.C., Cavanaugh, K.C., Sheppard, L.W. (2022), Disturbance and nutrients synchronize kelp forests across scales through interacting Moran effects, Ecology Letters, 25, 1854-1868. [PDF]
(45) Walter, J.A., Castorani, M.C.N., Bell, T.W., Sheppard, L.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Reuman, D.C. (2022), Tail-dependent spatial synchrony arises from nonlinear driver-response relationships, Ecology Letters, 25, 1189-1201. [PDF]
(44) Houskeeper, H.F., Rosenthal, I.S., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Pawlak, C., Trouille, L., Byrnes, J.E.K., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, Ky.C. (2022), Automated satellite remote sensing of giant kelp at the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), PLOS ONE, 17, e0257933. [PDF]
(43) Bell, T.W., Siegel, D.A. (2022), Nutrient availability and senescence spatially structure the dynamics of a foundation species, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, 1, e2105135118. [PDF]
(42) Kavanaugh, M.T., Bell, T.W., Catlett, D., Cimino, M.A., Doney, S.C., Klajbor, W., Messié, M., Montes, E., Muller-Karger, F.E., Otis, D., Santora, J.A., Schroeder, I.D., Triñanes, J., Siegel, D.A. (2021), Satellite Remote Sensing and the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, Current Science and Future Steps, Oceanography, 34, 2. [PDF]
(41) Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Bell, T.W., Costa, M., Eddy, N.E., Gendall, L., Gleason, M.G., Hessing-Lewis, M., Martone, R., McPherson, M., Pontier, O., Reshitnyk, L., Beas-Luna, R., Carr, M., Caselle, J.E., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Flores Miller, R., Hamilton, S., Heady, W.N., Hirsh, H., Hohman, R., Lee, L., Lorda, J., Ray, J., Reed, D.C., Saccomanno, V., Schroeder, S.B. (2021), A Review of the Opportunities and Challenges for Using Remote Sensing for Management of Surface-Canopy Forming Kelps, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:7533531. [PDF]
(40) Tomascik, T., Mohammed, S.N.C., Bell, T.W. (2021), Comment on Gazi et al. (2020): Detecting coral reef degradation on St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh?, Ocean Science Journal, 56, 326-329. [PDF]
(39) Zhang, Z., Bortolotti, L.E., Li, Z., Armstrong, L.M., Bell, T.W., Li, Y. (2021), Heterogeneous changes to wetlands in the Canadian prairies under future climate, Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028727. [PDF]
(38) Siegel, D.A., DeVries, T., Doney, S.C., Bell, T.W. (2021), Assessing the sequestration time scales of ocean-based carbon dioxide reduction strategies. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 104003. [PDF]
(37) Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Cavanaugh, K.C., Possingham, H.P., Munguia-Vega, A., Montaño-Moctezuma, G., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K., Micheli, F. (2021), Southward decrease in the protection of persistent giant kelp forests in the northeast Pacific. Communications Earth & Environment, 2:119, 1-7. [PDF]
(36) McPherson, M.L., Finger, D.J.I., Houskeeper, H.F., Bell, T.W., Carr, M.H., Rogers-Bennett, L., Kudela, R.M. (2021), Large-scale shift in the structure of a kelp forest ecosystem co-occurs with an epizootic and marine heatwave. Communications Biology, 4, 298. [PDF]
(35) Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Bell, T.W., Hochridge, E.G. (2021), An automated method for mapping giant kelp canopy dynamics from UAV. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8:587354. [PDF]
(34) Detmer, A.R., Miller, R.J., Reed, D.C., Bell, T.W., Stier, A.C., Moeller, H.V. (2021), Variation in disturbance to a foundation species structures the dynamics of a benthic reef community. Ecology. [PDF]
(33) Tinker, M.T., Yee, J., Laidre, K.L., Hatfield, B., Harris, M., Tomoleoni, J., Bell, T.W., Saarman, E., Carswell, L., Miles, K. (2021), Habitat features predict carrying capacity of a recovering marine carnivore. Journal of Wildlife Management, 85, 303-323. [PDF]
(32) Bell, T.W., Nidzieko, N., Siegel, D.A., Miller, R., Cavanaugh, Ky., Nelson, N., Reed, D., Federov, D., Cavanaugh, Ka., Moran, C., Snyder, J., Griffith, M. (2020), The utility of satellites and autonomous remote sensing platforms for monitoring offshore aquaculture farms: A case study for canopy forming kelps. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:520223. [PDF]
(31) Harrison, L.R., Legleiter, C.J., Overstreet, B.T., Bell, T.W., Hannon, J. (2020), Assessing the potential for spectrally based remote sensing of salmon spawning locations. River Research and Applications, 1-15. [PDF]
(30) Hamilton, S., Bell, T.W., Watson, J., Grorud-Colvert, K., Menge, B. (2020), Remote Sensing: Generation of Long-Term Kelp Forest Datasets for Evaluation of Impacts of Climatic Variation. Ecology, 101, e03031. [PDF]
(29) Friedlander, A.M., Ballesteros, E., Bell, T.W., Caselle, J.E., Campagna, C., Hüne, M., Muñoz, A., Salinas-de-León, P., Sala, E., Dayton, P. (2020), Kelp forests at the uttermost part of the earth: 45 years later. PLOS ONE, 15, e0229259. [PDF]
(28) Snyder, J.N., Bell, T.W., Siegel, D.A., Nidzieko, N.J., Cavanaugh, K.C. (2020), Sea surface temperature imagery elucidates spatiotemporal nutrient patterns and serves as a tool for offshore kelp aquaculture siting in the Southern California Bight. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:00022. [PDF]
(27) Bell, T.W., Okin, G., Cavanaugh, K.C., Hochberg, E.J. (2020), Impact of water characteristics on the discrimination of benthic cover in and around coral reefs from imaging spectrometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239, 111631. [PDF]
(26) Wyngaard, J., Barbieri, L., Thomer, A., Adams, J., Sullivan, D., Parr, C., Shrestha, S.R., Crosby, C., Klump, J., Bell, T.W. (2019), Emergent challenges for science sUAS data management: Fairness through community engagement and best practices development. Remote Sensing, 11, 1797. [PDF]
(25) Cavanaugh, K.C., Reed, D.C., Bell, T.W., Castorani, M.C.N., Beas-Luna, R. (2019), Spatial variability in the resistance and resilience of giant kelp in southern and Baja California to a multiyear heatwave. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:413. [PDF]
(24) Sainz, J., Di Lorenzo, E., Bell, T.W., Gaines, S., Miller, R., Lenihan, H. (2019), Spatial planning of Marine Aquaculture under Climate Decadal Variability: A case study for Mussel Farms in California. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:253. [PDF]
(23) Bell, T.W., Allen, J.A., Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A. (2019), Three decades of variability in California's giant kelp forests from the Landsat satellites. Remote Sensing of Environment. 238, 110811. [PDF]
(22) Lester, S.E., Stevens, J.M., Gentry, R.R., Kappel, C.V., Bell, T.W., Costello, C.J., Gaines, S.D., Kiefer, D.A., Maue, C.C, Rensel, J.E., Simons, R.D., Washburn, L., White, C. (2018), Marine spatial planning makes room for offshore aquaculture in a crowded coastal zone. Nature Communications, 9:945, 1-13. [PDF]
(21) Friedlander, A.M., Ballesteros, E., Bell, T.W., Giddens, J., Henning, B., Hüne, M., Muñoz, A., Salinas-de-León, P., Sala, E. (2018), Marine biodiversity at the end of the world: Cape Horn and Diego Ramírez islands. PLOS ONE, 13, e0189930. [PDF]
(20) Bell, T.W., Reed, D.C., Nelson, N.B., Siegel, D. A. (2018), Regional patterns of physiological condition determine giant kelp primary production dynamics. Limnology and Oceanography, 63, 472-483. [PDF]
(19) Lamy, T., Reed, D.C., Rassweiler, A.R., Siegel, D.A., Kui, L., Bell, T.W., Simons, R., Miller, R.J. (2018) Scale-specific drivers of kelp forest communities. Oecologia, 186, 217-233. [PDF]
(18) Biederman, J.A., Scott, R.L, Bell, T.W., Bowling, D., Dore, S., Garatuza-Payan, J., Kolb, T.E., Krishnan, P., Krofcheck, D., Litvak, M.E., Maurer, G.E., Meyers, T., Oechel, W.C., Papuga, S., Ponce-Campos, G.E., Rodriguez, J., Vargas, R., Watts, C., Yepez, E.A., Goulden, M.L. (2017) CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America. Global Change Biology, 23, 4204-4221. [PDF]
(17) Kelly, P., Bell, T. W., Reisinger, A., Spanbauer, T., Bortolotti, L., Bentrup, J., Briseño-Avena, C., Dong, X., Flanagan, A., Follett, E., Grosse, J., Guy-Haim, T., Holgerson, M., Hovel, R., Luo, J., Millette, N., Mine, A., Muscarella, M., Oliver, S., Smith, H. (2017) Ecological Dissertations in the Aquatic Sciences (Eco-DAS): An excellent networking and professional development opportunity for early career aquatic scientists. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 26, 25-30. [PDF]
(16) Teck, S., Lorda, J., Shears, N.T., Bell, T.W., Cornejo-Donoso, J., Caselle, J.E., Hamilton, S.L., Gaines, S.D. (2017), Disentangling the effects of fishing and environmental forcing on demographic variation in an exploited species. Biological Conservation, 209, 488-498. [PDF]
(15) Guy-Haim, T., Alexander, H., Bell, T.W., Bier, R., Bortolotti, L., Briseño-Avena, C., Dong, X., Flanagan, A., Grosse, J., Grossmann, L., Hasnain, S., Hovel, R., Johnston, C., Miller, D., Muscarella, M., Noto, A., Reisinger, A.J., Smith, H., Spanbauer, T., Stamieszkin, K. (2017) How do experimental characteristics of aquatic mesocosms change the direction and magnitude of effect sizes in climate change research? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence, 6, 1-6. [PDF]
(14) Wheeler, S.G., Anderson, T.W., Bell, T.W., Morgan, S.G., Hobbs, J.A. (2017) Regional productivity predicts individual growth and recruitment of rockfishes in a northern California upwelling system. Limnology and Oceanography, 62, 754-767. [PDF]
(13) Cabral, R.B., Gaines, S.D., Johnson, B., Bell, T.W., White, C. (2017) Drivers of redistribution of fishing and non-fishing effort after the implementation of a marine protected area network. Ecological Applications, 27, 416-428. [PDF]
(12) Castorani, M.C.N., Reed, D.C., Raimondi, P.T., Alberto, F., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A., Simons, R. (2017) Fluctuations in population fecundity drive variation in demographic connectivity and metapopulation dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284, 20162086. [PDF]
(11) Gentry, R.R., Lester, S.E., Kappel, C.V., Stevens, J., White, C., Bell, T.W., Gaines, S.D. (2017) Offshore Aquaculture: Spatial Planning Principles for Sustainable Development. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 733-743. [PDF]
(10) Koweek, D., Nickols, K.J., Leary, P., Litvin, S.Y., Bell, T.W., Luthin, T., Lummis, S., Mucciarone, D.A., Dunbar, R.B. (2017) , A year in the life of a central California kelp forest: physical and biological insights into biogeochemical variability. Biogeosciences, 14, 31-44. [PDF]
(9) Reed, D.C., Washburn, L., Rassweiler, A., Miller, R., Bell, T.W., Harrer, S. (2016) , Extreme warming challenges sentinel status of kelp forests as indicators of climate change. Nature Communications, 7, 13757. [PDF]
(8) Biederman, J.A., Scott, R.L, Goulden, M.L., Vargas, R., Litvak, M.E., Kolb, T.E., Yepez, E.A., Oechel, W.C., Blanken, P.D., Bell, T.W., Garatuza-Payan, J., Maurer, G.E., Dore, S., Burns, S.P. (2016) Terrestrial carbon balance in a drier world: the effects of water availability in southwestern North America. Global Change Biology, 22, 1867-1879. [PDF]
(7) Young, M.A., Cavanaugh, K.C., Bell, T.W., Raimondi, P.T., Edwards, C., Drake, P., Erikson, L., Storlazzi, C. (2016) Environmental controls on spatial patterns in the long-term persistence of persistence of giant kelp in central California. Ecological Monographs, 86(1), 45-60. [PDF]
(6) Morton, D.N., Bell, T.W., Anderson, T.W. (2016) Spatial synchrony of amphipods in giant kelp forests. Marine Biology, 163(2), 1-11. [PDF]
(5) Castorani, M.C.N., Reed, D.C., Alberto, F., Bell, T.W., Simons, R. Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A., Raimondi, P.T. (2015) Connectivity predicts local extinction and colonization in a marine metapopulation. Ecology, 96, 3141 - 3152. [PDF]
(4) Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Reed, D.C., Siegel, D.A. (2015) Geographical variability in the controls of giant kelp biomass dynamics. Journal of Biogeography, 42, 2010-2021. [PDF]
(3) Johansson, M.L., Alberto, F., Reed, D.C., Raimondi, P.T., Coelho, N.C., Young, M.A., Drake, P.T., Edwards, C.A., Cavanaugh, K.C., Assis, J., Ladah, L.B., Bell, T.W., Coyer, J.A., Siegel, D.A., Serrão, E.A. (2015) Seascape drivers of Macrocystis pyrifera population genetic structure in the eastern North Pacific. Molecular Ecology, 24, 4866 – 4885. [PDF]
(2) Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A. (2015) Remote monitoring of giant kelp biomass and photosynthetic condition: An evaluation of the potential for the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) mission. Remote Sensing of Environment, 167, 218-228. [PDF]
(1) Bell, T.W., Menzer, O., Troyo-Diéquez, E., Oechel, W. (2012) Carbon dioxide exchange over multiple temporal scales in an arid shrub ecosystem near La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Global Change Biology, 18, 2570-2582. [PDF]
(66) Gonzalez, S.T., Bell. T.W., Aydlett, M., Bailey, D., Jones, A., Lindell, S. (accepted), Predicting heat tolerance in sugar kelp juvenile sporophytes via gametophyte heat stress testing, Journal of Applied Phycology.
(65) Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Villasenõr-Derbez, J.C., Schoeman, D.S., Mora-Soto, A., Bell, T.W., Butler, C.L., Costa, M., Dunga, L.V., Houskeeper, H.F., Lagger, C., Pantano, C., Laínez del Pozo, D., Sink, K.J., Micheli, F., Cavanaugh, K.C. (accepted), Global floating kelp forests have limited representation in marine protected areas despite rising threats from marine heatwaves, Nature Communications.
(64) Giraldo-Ospina, A., Bell, T.W., Carr, M., Caselle, J. (in press), Drivers of spatio-temporal variability in a marine foundation species, Ecological Applications.
(63) Chadwick, K.D., Davis, F., Miner, K.R., Reynolds, M., Townsend, P.A., et al. (in press), Unlocking ecological insights from subseasonal visible-to-shortware infrared imaging spectroscopy: The SHIFT Campaign, Ecosphere.
(62) Giraldo-Ospina, A., Bell, T.W., Carr, M., Caselle, J. (2025), A site selection framework for effective kelp restoration, Biological Conservation, 302, 110980. [PDF]
(61) Cavanaugh, K.C., Bell, T.W., Aerni, K.E., Byrnes, J.E.K., McCammon, S., Smith, M.M. (2025), New technologies for monitoring coastal ecosystem dynamics, Annual Review of Marine Science, 17, 409-433. [PDF]
(60) Kumagai, J.A., Goodman, M.C., Villasenor-Derbez, J., Schoeman, D.S., Cavanaugh, K.C., Bell, T.W., Micheli, F., De Leo, G.A., Arafeh-Dalmau, N. (2024), Marine protected areas promote resilience of kelp forests to marine heatwaves by preserving trophic cascades, Global Change Biology, 30, e17620. [PDF]
(59) Hamilton, S.N.M., Tinker, M.T., Jackson, J., Tomoleoni, J.A., Kenner, M.C., Yee, J.L., Bell, T.W., Castorani, M.C.N., Becker, B.H., Hughes, B.B. (2024), Modeling coupled dynamics of an empirical predator-prey system to predict top predator recovery, Biological Conservation, 294, 110623. [PDF]
(58) Lindhart, M., Daly, M.A., Walker, H., Arzeno-Soltero, I.B., Yin, J.Z., Bell, T.W., Monismith, S.G., Pawlak, G., Leichter, J.J. (2024), Short wave attenuation by a kelp forest canopy, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 9, 4, 478-486. [PDF]
(57) Liang, M., Lamy, T., Reuman, D.C., Wang, S., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Castorani, M.C.N. (2024), A marine heatwave changes the stabilizing effects of biodiversity in kelp forests, Ecology, 105, 5, e4288. [PDF]
(56) Wanner, M.S., Walter, J.A., Reuman, D.C., Bell, T.W., Castorani, M.C.N. (2024), Dispersal synchronizes giant kelp forests, Ecology, 105, 4, e4270. [PDF]
(55) Walter, J.A., Emery, K.A., Dugan, J.E., Hubbard, D.M., Bell, T.W., Sheppard, L.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Reuman, D.C., Castorani, M.C.N. (2024), Spatial synchrony cascades across ecosystem boundaries and up food webs via resource subsidies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, 2, e2310052120. [PDF]
(54) Lockwood, R., Bachmann, C.M., Chrisp, M., Smeaton, C., Pahlaven, N., Hochberg, E., Montes, M.J., Gao, B., Frouin, R., Vodacek, A., Fichot, C., Bell, T.W., Armstrong, R.A., Li, C., Kennedy, L., Gillmer, S., Fuhrman, L., Brouhard, D., Wang, J., Thome, K. (2023), Aquatic ecosystems science using an imaging spectrometer, Imaging Spectrometry XXVI: Applications, Sensors, and Processing, 126880C.
(53) Reuman, D.C., Castorani, M.C.N., Cavanaugh, K.C., Sheppard, L.W., Walter, J.A., Bell, T.W. (2023), How environmental drivers of spatial synchrony interact, Ecography, e06795. [PDF]
(52) Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Olguín-Jacobson, C., Bell, T.W., Micheli, F., Cavanaugh, K.C. (2023), Shortfalls in the protection of persistent floating kelp forests in the USA, Biological Conservation, 283, 110133. [PDF]
(51) Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Saccomanno, V.R., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Houskeeper, H.F., Eddy, N., Schuetzenmeister, F., Rindlaub, N., Gleason, M. (2023), Kelpwatch: A new visualization and analysis tool to explore kelp canopy dynamics reveals variable response to and recovery from marine heatwaves, PLOS ONE, 18, e0271477. [PDF]
(50) Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Pawlak, C.C., Bell, T.W., Saccomanno, V.R. (2023), CubeSats show persistence of bull kelp refugia amidst a regional collapse in California, Remote Sensing of Environment, 209, 113521. [PDF]
(49) Saccomanno, V.R., Bell, T.W., Pawlak, C., Stanley, C.K., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Hohman, R., Klausmeyer, K.R., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Nickels, A., Hewerdine, W., Garza, C., Fleener, G., Gleason, M. (2023), Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to map and monitor changes in emergent kelp canopy after an ecological regime shift, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9, 62-75. [PDF]
(48) Monismith, S.G., Alnajjar, M.W., Woodson, C.B., Boch, C.A., Hernandez, A., Vazquez-Vera, L., Bell, T.W., Micheli, F. (2022), Influence of kelp forest biomass on nearshore currents, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 127, e2021JC018333. [PDF]
(47) Monismith, S.G., Alnajjar, M.W., Daly, M., Valle-Levinson, A., Juarez, B., Fagundes, M., Bell, T.W., Woodson, C.B. (2022), Kelp forest drag coefficients derived from tidal flow data, Estuaries and Coasts. [PDF]
(46) Castorani, M.C.N., Bell, T.W., Walter, J.A., Reuman, D.C., Cavanaugh, K.C., Sheppard, L.W. (2022), Disturbance and nutrients synchronize kelp forests across scales through interacting Moran effects, Ecology Letters, 25, 1854-1868. [PDF]
(45) Walter, J.A., Castorani, M.C.N., Bell, T.W., Sheppard, L.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Reuman, D.C. (2022), Tail-dependent spatial synchrony arises from nonlinear driver-response relationships, Ecology Letters, 25, 1189-1201. [PDF]
(44) Houskeeper, H.F., Rosenthal, I.S., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Pawlak, C., Trouille, L., Byrnes, J.E.K., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, Ky.C. (2022), Automated satellite remote sensing of giant kelp at the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), PLOS ONE, 17, e0257933. [PDF]
(43) Bell, T.W., Siegel, D.A. (2022), Nutrient availability and senescence spatially structure the dynamics of a foundation species, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, 1, e2105135118. [PDF]
(42) Kavanaugh, M.T., Bell, T.W., Catlett, D., Cimino, M.A., Doney, S.C., Klajbor, W., Messié, M., Montes, E., Muller-Karger, F.E., Otis, D., Santora, J.A., Schroeder, I.D., Triñanes, J., Siegel, D.A. (2021), Satellite Remote Sensing and the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, Current Science and Future Steps, Oceanography, 34, 2. [PDF]
(41) Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Bell, T.W., Costa, M., Eddy, N.E., Gendall, L., Gleason, M.G., Hessing-Lewis, M., Martone, R., McPherson, M., Pontier, O., Reshitnyk, L., Beas-Luna, R., Carr, M., Caselle, J.E., Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Flores Miller, R., Hamilton, S., Heady, W.N., Hirsh, H., Hohman, R., Lee, L., Lorda, J., Ray, J., Reed, D.C., Saccomanno, V., Schroeder, S.B. (2021), A Review of the Opportunities and Challenges for Using Remote Sensing for Management of Surface-Canopy Forming Kelps, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:7533531. [PDF]
(40) Tomascik, T., Mohammed, S.N.C., Bell, T.W. (2021), Comment on Gazi et al. (2020): Detecting coral reef degradation on St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh?, Ocean Science Journal, 56, 326-329. [PDF]
(39) Zhang, Z., Bortolotti, L.E., Li, Z., Armstrong, L.M., Bell, T.W., Li, Y. (2021), Heterogeneous changes to wetlands in the Canadian prairies under future climate, Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028727. [PDF]
(38) Siegel, D.A., DeVries, T., Doney, S.C., Bell, T.W. (2021), Assessing the sequestration time scales of ocean-based carbon dioxide reduction strategies. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 104003. [PDF]
(37) Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Cavanaugh, K.C., Possingham, H.P., Munguia-Vega, A., Montaño-Moctezuma, G., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K., Micheli, F. (2021), Southward decrease in the protection of persistent giant kelp forests in the northeast Pacific. Communications Earth & Environment, 2:119, 1-7. [PDF]
(36) McPherson, M.L., Finger, D.J.I., Houskeeper, H.F., Bell, T.W., Carr, M.H., Rogers-Bennett, L., Kudela, R.M. (2021), Large-scale shift in the structure of a kelp forest ecosystem co-occurs with an epizootic and marine heatwave. Communications Biology, 4, 298. [PDF]
(35) Cavanaugh, Ka.C., Cavanaugh, Ky.C., Bell, T.W., Hochridge, E.G. (2021), An automated method for mapping giant kelp canopy dynamics from UAV. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8:587354. [PDF]
(34) Detmer, A.R., Miller, R.J., Reed, D.C., Bell, T.W., Stier, A.C., Moeller, H.V. (2021), Variation in disturbance to a foundation species structures the dynamics of a benthic reef community. Ecology. [PDF]
(33) Tinker, M.T., Yee, J., Laidre, K.L., Hatfield, B., Harris, M., Tomoleoni, J., Bell, T.W., Saarman, E., Carswell, L., Miles, K. (2021), Habitat features predict carrying capacity of a recovering marine carnivore. Journal of Wildlife Management, 85, 303-323. [PDF]
(32) Bell, T.W., Nidzieko, N., Siegel, D.A., Miller, R., Cavanaugh, Ky., Nelson, N., Reed, D., Federov, D., Cavanaugh, Ka., Moran, C., Snyder, J., Griffith, M. (2020), The utility of satellites and autonomous remote sensing platforms for monitoring offshore aquaculture farms: A case study for canopy forming kelps. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:520223. [PDF]
(31) Harrison, L.R., Legleiter, C.J., Overstreet, B.T., Bell, T.W., Hannon, J. (2020), Assessing the potential for spectrally based remote sensing of salmon spawning locations. River Research and Applications, 1-15. [PDF]
(30) Hamilton, S., Bell, T.W., Watson, J., Grorud-Colvert, K., Menge, B. (2020), Remote Sensing: Generation of Long-Term Kelp Forest Datasets for Evaluation of Impacts of Climatic Variation. Ecology, 101, e03031. [PDF]
(29) Friedlander, A.M., Ballesteros, E., Bell, T.W., Caselle, J.E., Campagna, C., Hüne, M., Muñoz, A., Salinas-de-León, P., Sala, E., Dayton, P. (2020), Kelp forests at the uttermost part of the earth: 45 years later. PLOS ONE, 15, e0229259. [PDF]
(28) Snyder, J.N., Bell, T.W., Siegel, D.A., Nidzieko, N.J., Cavanaugh, K.C. (2020), Sea surface temperature imagery elucidates spatiotemporal nutrient patterns and serves as a tool for offshore kelp aquaculture siting in the Southern California Bight. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:00022. [PDF]
(27) Bell, T.W., Okin, G., Cavanaugh, K.C., Hochberg, E.J. (2020), Impact of water characteristics on the discrimination of benthic cover in and around coral reefs from imaging spectrometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239, 111631. [PDF]
(26) Wyngaard, J., Barbieri, L., Thomer, A., Adams, J., Sullivan, D., Parr, C., Shrestha, S.R., Crosby, C., Klump, J., Bell, T.W. (2019), Emergent challenges for science sUAS data management: Fairness through community engagement and best practices development. Remote Sensing, 11, 1797. [PDF]
(25) Cavanaugh, K.C., Reed, D.C., Bell, T.W., Castorani, M.C.N., Beas-Luna, R. (2019), Spatial variability in the resistance and resilience of giant kelp in southern and Baja California to a multiyear heatwave. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:413. [PDF]
(24) Sainz, J., Di Lorenzo, E., Bell, T.W., Gaines, S., Miller, R., Lenihan, H. (2019), Spatial planning of Marine Aquaculture under Climate Decadal Variability: A case study for Mussel Farms in California. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:253. [PDF]
(23) Bell, T.W., Allen, J.A., Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A. (2019), Three decades of variability in California's giant kelp forests from the Landsat satellites. Remote Sensing of Environment. 238, 110811. [PDF]
(22) Lester, S.E., Stevens, J.M., Gentry, R.R., Kappel, C.V., Bell, T.W., Costello, C.J., Gaines, S.D., Kiefer, D.A., Maue, C.C, Rensel, J.E., Simons, R.D., Washburn, L., White, C. (2018), Marine spatial planning makes room for offshore aquaculture in a crowded coastal zone. Nature Communications, 9:945, 1-13. [PDF]
(21) Friedlander, A.M., Ballesteros, E., Bell, T.W., Giddens, J., Henning, B., Hüne, M., Muñoz, A., Salinas-de-León, P., Sala, E. (2018), Marine biodiversity at the end of the world: Cape Horn and Diego Ramírez islands. PLOS ONE, 13, e0189930. [PDF]
(20) Bell, T.W., Reed, D.C., Nelson, N.B., Siegel, D. A. (2018), Regional patterns of physiological condition determine giant kelp primary production dynamics. Limnology and Oceanography, 63, 472-483. [PDF]
(19) Lamy, T., Reed, D.C., Rassweiler, A.R., Siegel, D.A., Kui, L., Bell, T.W., Simons, R., Miller, R.J. (2018) Scale-specific drivers of kelp forest communities. Oecologia, 186, 217-233. [PDF]
(18) Biederman, J.A., Scott, R.L, Bell, T.W., Bowling, D., Dore, S., Garatuza-Payan, J., Kolb, T.E., Krishnan, P., Krofcheck, D., Litvak, M.E., Maurer, G.E., Meyers, T., Oechel, W.C., Papuga, S., Ponce-Campos, G.E., Rodriguez, J., Vargas, R., Watts, C., Yepez, E.A., Goulden, M.L. (2017) CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America. Global Change Biology, 23, 4204-4221. [PDF]
(17) Kelly, P., Bell, T. W., Reisinger, A., Spanbauer, T., Bortolotti, L., Bentrup, J., Briseño-Avena, C., Dong, X., Flanagan, A., Follett, E., Grosse, J., Guy-Haim, T., Holgerson, M., Hovel, R., Luo, J., Millette, N., Mine, A., Muscarella, M., Oliver, S., Smith, H. (2017) Ecological Dissertations in the Aquatic Sciences (Eco-DAS): An excellent networking and professional development opportunity for early career aquatic scientists. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 26, 25-30. [PDF]
(16) Teck, S., Lorda, J., Shears, N.T., Bell, T.W., Cornejo-Donoso, J., Caselle, J.E., Hamilton, S.L., Gaines, S.D. (2017), Disentangling the effects of fishing and environmental forcing on demographic variation in an exploited species. Biological Conservation, 209, 488-498. [PDF]
(15) Guy-Haim, T., Alexander, H., Bell, T.W., Bier, R., Bortolotti, L., Briseño-Avena, C., Dong, X., Flanagan, A., Grosse, J., Grossmann, L., Hasnain, S., Hovel, R., Johnston, C., Miller, D., Muscarella, M., Noto, A., Reisinger, A.J., Smith, H., Spanbauer, T., Stamieszkin, K. (2017) How do experimental characteristics of aquatic mesocosms change the direction and magnitude of effect sizes in climate change research? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence, 6, 1-6. [PDF]
(14) Wheeler, S.G., Anderson, T.W., Bell, T.W., Morgan, S.G., Hobbs, J.A. (2017) Regional productivity predicts individual growth and recruitment of rockfishes in a northern California upwelling system. Limnology and Oceanography, 62, 754-767. [PDF]
(13) Cabral, R.B., Gaines, S.D., Johnson, B., Bell, T.W., White, C. (2017) Drivers of redistribution of fishing and non-fishing effort after the implementation of a marine protected area network. Ecological Applications, 27, 416-428. [PDF]
(12) Castorani, M.C.N., Reed, D.C., Raimondi, P.T., Alberto, F., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A., Simons, R. (2017) Fluctuations in population fecundity drive variation in demographic connectivity and metapopulation dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284, 20162086. [PDF]
(11) Gentry, R.R., Lester, S.E., Kappel, C.V., Stevens, J., White, C., Bell, T.W., Gaines, S.D. (2017) Offshore Aquaculture: Spatial Planning Principles for Sustainable Development. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 733-743. [PDF]
(10) Koweek, D., Nickols, K.J., Leary, P., Litvin, S.Y., Bell, T.W., Luthin, T., Lummis, S., Mucciarone, D.A., Dunbar, R.B. (2017) , A year in the life of a central California kelp forest: physical and biological insights into biogeochemical variability. Biogeosciences, 14, 31-44. [PDF]
(9) Reed, D.C., Washburn, L., Rassweiler, A., Miller, R., Bell, T.W., Harrer, S. (2016) , Extreme warming challenges sentinel status of kelp forests as indicators of climate change. Nature Communications, 7, 13757. [PDF]
(8) Biederman, J.A., Scott, R.L, Goulden, M.L., Vargas, R., Litvak, M.E., Kolb, T.E., Yepez, E.A., Oechel, W.C., Blanken, P.D., Bell, T.W., Garatuza-Payan, J., Maurer, G.E., Dore, S., Burns, S.P. (2016) Terrestrial carbon balance in a drier world: the effects of water availability in southwestern North America. Global Change Biology, 22, 1867-1879. [PDF]
(7) Young, M.A., Cavanaugh, K.C., Bell, T.W., Raimondi, P.T., Edwards, C., Drake, P., Erikson, L., Storlazzi, C. (2016) Environmental controls on spatial patterns in the long-term persistence of persistence of giant kelp in central California. Ecological Monographs, 86(1), 45-60. [PDF]
(6) Morton, D.N., Bell, T.W., Anderson, T.W. (2016) Spatial synchrony of amphipods in giant kelp forests. Marine Biology, 163(2), 1-11. [PDF]
(5) Castorani, M.C.N., Reed, D.C., Alberto, F., Bell, T.W., Simons, R. Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A., Raimondi, P.T. (2015) Connectivity predicts local extinction and colonization in a marine metapopulation. Ecology, 96, 3141 - 3152. [PDF]
(4) Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Reed, D.C., Siegel, D.A. (2015) Geographical variability in the controls of giant kelp biomass dynamics. Journal of Biogeography, 42, 2010-2021. [PDF]
(3) Johansson, M.L., Alberto, F., Reed, D.C., Raimondi, P.T., Coelho, N.C., Young, M.A., Drake, P.T., Edwards, C.A., Cavanaugh, K.C., Assis, J., Ladah, L.B., Bell, T.W., Coyer, J.A., Siegel, D.A., Serrão, E.A. (2015) Seascape drivers of Macrocystis pyrifera population genetic structure in the eastern North Pacific. Molecular Ecology, 24, 4866 – 4885. [PDF]
(2) Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K.C., Siegel, D.A. (2015) Remote monitoring of giant kelp biomass and photosynthetic condition: An evaluation of the potential for the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) mission. Remote Sensing of Environment, 167, 218-228. [PDF]
(1) Bell, T.W., Menzer, O., Troyo-Diéquez, E., Oechel, W. (2012) Carbon dioxide exchange over multiple temporal scales in an arid shrub ecosystem near La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Global Change Biology, 18, 2570-2582. [PDF]
Non-Refereed Publications
Dauhajre, D., Bell, T.W., Siegel, D.A. (2023), Considerations for Regional Simulations of Seaweed Carbon Dioxide Removal, Eartharxiv. [PDF]
Krause, S., Dauhajre, D., Bell, T.W., Miller, R.J., Valentine, D., Siegel, D.A. (2023), Comparing Kelp Conveyance Strategies for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal with Farmed Macroalgae, Eartharxiv. [PDF]
Giraldo-Opsina, A., Caselle, J., Carr, M.H., Bell, T.W., Malone, D. (2023). When, where and how? A guide to kelp restoration in California using spatio-temporal models of kelp dynamics. California. Biological and environmental predictors of kelp density. Site classification for kelp restoration (2004-2021). California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository, DataONE. [PDF]
Lafferty, K.D., Rassweiler, A., Gotschalk, C.C., Morton, D.N., Bell, T.W., Henderikx, F., Kushner, D.J., Sprague, J., Johnson, C., and Washburn, L. (2019) The response of kelp forest organisms to spatial and temporal variation in wave energy in the California Channel Islands. Camarillo (CA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. OCS Study BOEM 2019-064. 38 p. [PDF]
Hohman, R., Hutto, S., Catton, C. and F. Koe. (2019) Sonoma-Mendocino Bull Kelp Recovery Plan. Plan for the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. San Francisco, CA. 166 pp.
Role: Working group member [PDF]
Turpie, K.R., Allen, D.W., Ackelson, S., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K., Dierssen, H., Fisher, J.B., Goodman, J., Guild, L., Hochberg, E., Klemas, V.V., Lavender, S., Lee, C., Muller-Karger, F., Ortiz, J., Palacios, S., Thompson, D.R., Zimmerman, R. (2015) New need to understand changing coastal and inland aquatic ecosystem services, Decadal survey for earth science and applications from space, NASA. [PDF]
Turpie, K.R., Ackelson, S., Bell, T.W., Dierssen, H., Goodman, J., Green, R., Guild, L., Hochberg, E., Klemas, V.V., Lavender, S., Lee, C., Minnet, P., Muller-Karger, F., Ortiz, J., Palacios, S., Thompson, D.R., Zimmerman, R. (2015) Global observations of coastal and inland aquatic habitats, NASA. [PDF]
Turpie, K.R., Abelev, A., Babin, M., Bachmann, C., Bell, T.W., Brando, V., Byrd, K., Dekker, A., Devred, E., Forget, M-H., Goodman, J., Geild, L., Hochberg, E., Hu, C., Young-Heon, J., Kelly, M., Klemas, V., Lee, Z., Moisan, T., Moses, W., Muller-Karger, F., Palacios, S., Philpot, B., Toro-Farmer, G., Yu, Q. (2015) Coastal and inland aquatic data products for the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI), NASA. [PDF]
Dauhajre, D., Bell, T.W., Siegel, D.A. (2023), Considerations for Regional Simulations of Seaweed Carbon Dioxide Removal, Eartharxiv. [PDF]
Krause, S., Dauhajre, D., Bell, T.W., Miller, R.J., Valentine, D., Siegel, D.A. (2023), Comparing Kelp Conveyance Strategies for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal with Farmed Macroalgae, Eartharxiv. [PDF]
Giraldo-Opsina, A., Caselle, J., Carr, M.H., Bell, T.W., Malone, D. (2023). When, where and how? A guide to kelp restoration in California using spatio-temporal models of kelp dynamics. California. Biological and environmental predictors of kelp density. Site classification for kelp restoration (2004-2021). California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository, DataONE. [PDF]
Lafferty, K.D., Rassweiler, A., Gotschalk, C.C., Morton, D.N., Bell, T.W., Henderikx, F., Kushner, D.J., Sprague, J., Johnson, C., and Washburn, L. (2019) The response of kelp forest organisms to spatial and temporal variation in wave energy in the California Channel Islands. Camarillo (CA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. OCS Study BOEM 2019-064. 38 p. [PDF]
Hohman, R., Hutto, S., Catton, C. and F. Koe. (2019) Sonoma-Mendocino Bull Kelp Recovery Plan. Plan for the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. San Francisco, CA. 166 pp.
Role: Working group member [PDF]
Turpie, K.R., Allen, D.W., Ackelson, S., Bell, T.W., Cavanaugh, K., Dierssen, H., Fisher, J.B., Goodman, J., Guild, L., Hochberg, E., Klemas, V.V., Lavender, S., Lee, C., Muller-Karger, F., Ortiz, J., Palacios, S., Thompson, D.R., Zimmerman, R. (2015) New need to understand changing coastal and inland aquatic ecosystem services, Decadal survey for earth science and applications from space, NASA. [PDF]
Turpie, K.R., Ackelson, S., Bell, T.W., Dierssen, H., Goodman, J., Green, R., Guild, L., Hochberg, E., Klemas, V.V., Lavender, S., Lee, C., Minnet, P., Muller-Karger, F., Ortiz, J., Palacios, S., Thompson, D.R., Zimmerman, R. (2015) Global observations of coastal and inland aquatic habitats, NASA. [PDF]
Turpie, K.R., Abelev, A., Babin, M., Bachmann, C., Bell, T.W., Brando, V., Byrd, K., Dekker, A., Devred, E., Forget, M-H., Goodman, J., Geild, L., Hochberg, E., Hu, C., Young-Heon, J., Kelly, M., Klemas, V., Lee, Z., Moisan, T., Moses, W., Muller-Karger, F., Palacios, S., Philpot, B., Toro-Farmer, G., Yu, Q. (2015) Coastal and inland aquatic data products for the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI), NASA. [PDF]